It’s winter in Minnesota, and this year, Mother Nature has been doling out her fair share of wicked winter weather and frosty temperatures. Strong, healthy trees are usually able to withstand the extreme temperature changes and freeze/thaw cycles. However, frosty weather, ice, and snow can certainly put your trees to the test. It’s important to maintain your trees after the winter is over by trimming and pruning to remove any branches and limbs that could cause trouble for your foliage.
Here at Vital Tree Service in Woodbury, we can help get your lawn in tip-top shape so you can enjoy healthy, beautiful trees for many years to come. In this blog entry, we look at the important steps you should take to keep your trees healthy long after the winter storms pass.
Your Trees After Winter Snow
If you’ve lived in Minnesota for long, you’re no stranger to the fact that winters here usually come with their share of heavy snow. When that snow comes quickly and builds up significantly, the damage to your trees can be quite dramatic. In addition to the weight of the snow and ice, strong winter winds can also play a role in damaging your trees.
When you hear the dreaded cracking of your trees after a snowstorm, it’s what you choose to do next that determines how well your lawn will recover. When only your tree’s smaller branches are damaged, there’s a good chance your tree will recover completely on its own. However, if the larger branches take a hit, the only chance to save your tree is by having an expert tree trimming team assess the tree and help you save its life.
Here’s how different types of trees are impacted by winter weather:
Coniferous Trees
Coniferous trees are evergreens. If they’re not trimmed properly after a winter storm, the tree will become far more susceptible to damage from high winds. While they can handle the low temperatures, some evergreens, especially trees with shallow roots, often don’t survive storms because they are unable to resist the strong winter wind.
Deciduous Trees
Deciduous trees can become too severely damaged for recovery if more than half the tree sustains damage. In this case, they will require tree removal. Trees that are properly pruned will typically develop new shoots where the broken limbs have been removed, which can then thrive in the coming years.
Young Tree Growth
If you have young trees that become uprooted in a winter storm, you may be able to save them by covering their roots, so they don’t freeze. If a significant portion of the root is exposed, the tree will require removal, as it cannot be expected to recover.
General Tips on Keeping Trees Healthy After a Winter Storm
Because different trees react differently to winter storm damage, the approach to keeping trees healthy after a big storm varies. The severity of the storm itself also plays a factor. Overall, it’s best to address tree damage on a case-by-case basis, and the best way to do this is by working with an expert arborist, such as the team at Vital Tree Service.
But, overall, these are the steps that can be taken to save trees or fix your yard after storm damage:
- Tree trimming: For many trees, trimming up branches after a storm is the best option.
- Leaving the tree alone: If damage is minimal, the tree may recover fine on its own. Our team can assess your trees and determine if anything can or should be done.
- Tree removal: In some cases, storm damage is too extensive. When this happens, we will remove the trees so they don’t pose safety risks or ruin the look of your yard.
And, to keep your trees in good condition so they have the best chance of surviving a winter storm, request regular tree pruning services and ensure good maintenance of your trees.
Contact Your Woodbury Source for Tree Removal and Pruning
Few things are more beautiful than a healthy lawn filled with thriving, healthy trees. By taking steps now to protect your trees after a winter storm, you can ensure they have a full recovery.
At Vital Tree Service in Minnesota, our highly experienced tree pruning and trimming experts will work hard to help you save any trees that can be saved. To see our past work, visit our online gallery. Then give us a call at 651-341-4021 or contact us online to discuss your tree trimming and pruning concerns.